Boundless Connections™ TECH Unleashed group will meet January 2 and 3 for its winter camp at the Technology Center in Olean.
Camp will be held 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. both days with lunches provided. To join TECH Unleashed, visit www.boundlessconnections.com, call (585) 376-0099 or email info@boundlessconnections.com.
The TECH Unleashed program is for youth 13-17 years old interested in computer programming, 3D printing, augmented and virtual reality, graphic art, and audio/video editing. Membership is available to any young person with an interest.
“I really want to be an animator and having this place I can peacefully draw out sketches and concepts of episodes,” Malachi, 14, said.
“I love it here. There’s a bunch of tech people I can talk to… it’s kind of like a second family.”
Along with summer, winter and spring camps, TECH Unleashed members meet during the school year 7 – 9 p.m. on Fridays. Members are also allowed in the tech center during staffed hours without a parent or guardian.
The program fosters the use of various technology skills in service to the community. Participants choose annual projects and stay connected throughout the year for approximately 160 hours of coordination and instruction. This year’s cohort is developing a voice-commanded robot to help handicapped individuals.
While the program’s annual projects are participant-driven, members receive guidance on project and time management, leadership and team building, public speaking, research and industry networking.
Scholarships are provided Strength Solutions, Inc with by funding by Cattaraugus County Youth Bureau, Directions in Independent Living, Fox Financial and Sol Epoxy.
Equipment is funded through a grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission grant and Boundless Connections, LLC. Technical and business skills presentations and support is provided by Boundless Connections, LLC.