A message from the CEO of Boundless Connections about the COVID-19 pandemic:
As a business owner in the IT industry, I embrace change and look forward to seeing what is new every day. I’ve had a fairly eventful and interesting life, but this last week has been the longest one so far. Each day brought new information, demands, and changes in the guidelines. The difference between the changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and those in the IT industry is that these new changes impacted me and my business directly.
Like many around the world, I am no longer simply watching the news of what is happening to others, I am personally involved. My business has always put people first. Taking care of the small but mighty team of people I’ve hired has ALWAYS been my top priority. What HAS changed is what they need, and what resources I have to continue to take care of them, and others I personally know.
While there is always plenty of work for people to do in a small business and we have the software and equipment to work remotely, paying employees when there is no income is a challenge of pandemic proportions. I am fortunate to be surrounded by problem solvers and people who can help me figure things out at least for the next month or so. Perhaps things will become clearer with time.
Yes, there are concerns about toilet paper and basic staples. But once that initial head shake happens, we move on to the bigger picture. For anyone who has kids, taking care of them at home and keeping them advancing in their education is suddenly front and center. For me, there has been one question that keeps coming to the front of my mind:
What skills do I have that would be useful during this pandemic?

The Boundless Connections team was quick to point out that we have 3d printers that could be put to use and of course, we will use all of our resources to be helpful in any way we can.
We also have knowledge. We know the struggles people are facing with remote work, distance learning, getting reliable information and staying digitally connected to people they care about. Boundless Connections has been working on using technology to connect non-tech people to others for over 10 years!
While I cannot invite people to our tech centers to help them side-by-side for the near future, we CAN assist by sharing our best practices to help people with the tech difficulties they are facing right now. We are in the process of setting up our website to share the most useful and inspiring information we have specifically for those who consider themselves a non-tech person or technically challenged.
We are also available to consult with schools, hospitals, tech support, and any other businesses needing help with strategies and implementation of remote work and distance learning.
The Boundless Connections team is stacked with courageous, brilliant, genuine, dynamic, thoughtful, powerful people! In the coming months of uncertainty, we will use our technology and passion for people to stay connected and take care of each other while getting ready to take care of the world. So much more ahead. Stay tuned! #21stCenturyUtility #BCTech